USA English Language Center (USAELC) embarked on a large endeavor in February, 2008. We developed a non-profit organization to educate and turn Brazilian children from impoverished backgrounds into skilled employable individuals.
USAELC instructors traveled to and lived in South Brazil, to teach English as a second language to 60 children from a local orphanage.
USAELC educators look forward to leading this new and exciting program at the orphanage because they believe that their time and expertise will help make a difference in their own lives and someone else’s.
The orphanage is the home of 80 orphans ages 5-18. Portuguese is the primary language spoken in Brazil, the largest country in South America.

In 2009 USAELC staff from San Diego traveled to Lar Analia Franco in Londrina to host a reception celebrating the one year anniversary of this project. The students were acknowledged for their hard work.

In March of 2010, the USA English Language Center Director, Daniela Versari and instructor Vincent Palmer spent one week teaching and observing the students progress at the orphanage in Londrina.
Each year, thanks to the generosity of the USAELC students, staff, instructors and the generous San Diego community, The Salvation Army receives thousands of new toys and gifts through the Toy Drive. The Salvation Army distributes the toys a week before Christmas in the form of a Toy Distribution -“Toy Shop”. Families and children needing holiday assistance are selected through School and Agency Referral Programs of The Salvation Army. This is a wonderful opportunity for the USAELC students to participate and give something back to our community. USAELC staff, students and instructors also donate bicycles at our Annual Christmas Party. You too can help! Join us this year by bringing joy into the lives of San Diego’s needy children. Donate a toy by bringing it to USAELC or contact us and we will pick it up, 619-297-1999.
USAELC participates in a monthly Feed the Homeless events. Our students involved take part in collecting donations, and creating and distributing over two hundred meals to the ever growing homeless population in San Diego. While involved in community service activities our students practice their conversation skills, learn new vocabulary and witness the immense need for acts of generosity and philanthropy in our community. Community service unites students from diverse backgrounds to work toward a common goal building camaraderie and teamwork. Our students learn more about themselves and our community.
During our Community Cleanup event staff and students participate in locating and targeting one specific part of the community in need. Participants of this event most recently cleaned up Ocean Beach, California. Over 20 bags of trash were collected from the beach, sidewalks, and neighborhoods, improving the location for humans and wildlife.
Our most recent event held at USAELC was our canned food, and clothing drive. Staff and students were asked to bring canned goods, and gently used clothes to help those less fortunate than themselves. Over fifty students donated to this cause and all donations were given to Father Joes Village in Downtown, San Diego.
USAELC hosts a fit camp taught by Olympian Jadel Gregorio. This event is free to visitors and allows participants to learn about maintaining a healthy lifestyle while also working out. This program is offered after office hours allowing, students, staff, faculty, and the community the opportunity to join and learn.