Health Insurance – Designed to Fit YOUR Schedule

Health Insurance

Medical Insurance

International students on an F1 visa do not have any government related health insurance requirements while studying in the United States. However, having adequate health insurance is a very important part of student life.  USAELC strongly recommends that students and their dependents maintain health insurance during their stay. USAELC administrative office can assist students with finding the right coverage and health insurance plan.  USAELC is not affiliated with any insurance companies, however we can assist with resources in our office and online.

The United States has a wide variety of medical clinics, hospitals and specialized services; some locations allow for walk-ins and some require appointments. Without health insurance students will need to pay medical fees at the time of receiving service. Medical services can be very expensive in the United States, and may vary depending on where you go.  For example, the Emergency Room (ER) is reserved for serious and life-threatening conditions only, and will be a significantly higher bill than other options.  For minor illnesses and injuries you may use an Urgent Care facility, Walk-in Clinic, or Doctor’s Office.

There are many different companies that offer health insurance options, and the prices vary depending on your individual and/or family needs. Once you find a plan that is right for you and your needs you pay a monthly fee, as well as an additional cost at the time of using a service, known as a deductible or co-pay.  Monthly fees are estimated between $30 – $150 per month depending on the plan you choose.

We recommend watching the following Youtube video that provides an overview of the health care system in the United States. The video also includes the following real-life cost of medical attention for the following injuries:  Car accident: $150,000, Fractured Clavicle: $18,393, Fractured Humerus: $47,445, Appendicitis: $60,493.

“Overview of the US Healthcare System for International Students”, by International Student Insurance.

ISO Student Health Insurance Plans

Name of Plan ISO Med Prestige ISO Med Prestige ISO Med Prestige
Lifetime Medical Maximum $1,000.00 $150.00 $100.00
Deductible at Student Health Center $25.00 $25.00 $25.00
Deductible in/out of network $90.00 in network/
$275 out of network
$90.00 in network/
$275 out of network
$100.00 in network/
$275 out of network
Rates for under age 24: (monthly) $59.00 $38 $28

How To Enroll

For immediate online enrollment visit

To enroll via mail or fax:
1. Complete the application form. Answer all questions to avoid delays.
2. Specify the required months of coverage – Minimum: 3 months / Maximum 19 months.
3. Multiply the number of months you need coverage by the monthly rate of the Plan you wish you purchase.
4. If you require insurance for your spouse and children, multiply the same number of months for each dependant by the appropriate rate.
5. Total the amounts and please sign the form.
6. Make checks payable to ISO.
7. Mail enrollment forms with payment to:

International Student Organization
250 West 49th Street, Suite 806 New York, NY 10019

8. When paying by credit card, please include expiration date. You may fax Credit card payments with enrollment form to 1-212-262-8920.

If you have questions, please contact ISO: 1-800-244-1180
Email: [email protected]


You are eligible if you have a current passport or visa and are temporarily residing outside your home country/country of permanent residence, while actively engaging in education or research activities.

Prices are subject to change and not guaranteed.